How to Focus and Avoid Distraction at Work
It’s no surprise that so many people struggled to stay focused at work and avoid distractions. While technology can boost productivity and provide access to tools that help you streamline your work day. According to a new survey, more than half of employees believe that their mobile phone is responsible for decreased productivity at work. Distractions at work frequently consume more time than you realise. So how can we avoid distractions and stay focused in our workspace? Here we will discussed few ways and techniques that will help you to avoid distractions at work and stay focused.

Start with a to-do list
It may sound a little obvious but start with a to-do list. Research has shown, productivity increases when you have a written plan of action. The act of planning activities relieves mental stress by releasing you have the burden of unfinished tasks. Organizing your day and making a plan is a great way to stay on track. Prioritize each task and refer to your list throughout the day if your mind wanders.
Set time limits on your goals
After you have made a list of goals that you want a complete by the end of the day you can schedule time for each item on the list based on how long you think each task will take to complete. Some tasks can be completed quickly such as answering work-related emails but others may require much more of your time and effort. The amount of time you allow yourself for each task can be directly related to the tasks difficulty level.
Complete the most challenging tasks early in the day
When making your daily goal list consider why what tasks you need to accomplish the most at the beginning of your workday. Our minds are often the clearest and most focused in the morning before we have worked for hours. This is a good time to complete the more challenging tasks and leaves room for the easier tasks you can do it later in the day when it may be difficult to focus for long periods.
Set smaller goals
Setting small goals throughout the day can help you complete tasks more effectively. Take a larger goal which may take you half a day and break it down into smaller goals. Setting smaller goals in forming a step by-step process can help you complete the larger goal. This allows you to focus for shorter periods then if you tried to complete the goal all at once. It is allowing your mind to take more frequent breaks.
Limit interruptions
While summoned eruptions are hard to avoid others may be under your control. Taking a technology break is one way to reduce distractions and increase focus. Social media, online shopping, and web browsing are all tempting. Most people use the Internet for work throughout the day but it’s also a major distraction. Allow yourself a few minutes to check your notifications, personal emails, and texts. Then tried to take fifteen minutes of uninterrupted time. This can be as simple as putting your phone on-site violent and facing down so you can see any notifications.
Keep personal communication to your free time
Research shows, twenty-four percent of workers admit to spending at least one hour on personal calls, texts, and emails during a normal work day. When you are on wartime try to organize the time and put it on your to do list. Of course you may have to take a personal call during office hours. But in general try to keep personal communication during your lunch break or free time.
Avoid multitasking
Multitasking can sometimes make you feel superhuman as you complete multiple tasks in less time. However, research shows that doing more than one task at a time especially complex tasks that reduce productivity. Even though multitasking may seem efficient at first glance is it usually takes longer and leads to more errors.

Take a break
Many people overlook the importance of taking small timed breaks during the workday.
Taking regular breaks can have a positive impact on performance and productivity. It will also help you stay focused and boost your energy. If you don’t take breaks you will quickly feel tired exhausted or fatigued. Working for long periods without breaks reduces focus limits concentration and leads to burnout. The most effective breaks are going for walk, eating a snack, stretching, or listening to music. Research shows, that our brain works best when we alternate between focusing and not focusing.
Use visual reminders
Sometimes visual reminders help you to refocus your brain. It can be something as simple as a sticky note asking you to focus somewhere in your workspace.
Whatever visual you choose make sure it is an easily visible site as a quick reminder to stay focused on the task.

Prepare Your Workspace.
By creating an environment that allows you to focus while removing clutter and distractions? Your productivity will immediately increase. When you have a physical and mental mess it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. To stay focused you should clean up your desk and remove anything that distracts you. Also the focus better find a space that calms you down and where you can concentrate longer.
The pomodoro technique
If you want to improve your focus you may practice or follow the Pomodoro technique. It is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1918s. It is a structured method consisting of processes, tools, principles, and values to learn. This method teaches how to manage time and transform it from a vicious predator into an ally to increase productivity. How does it work? It is a four-step technique. Step one set a timer. The most common time limit is twenty-five minutes but you can take twenty minutes or even an hour. It’s entirely up to you. Step to work through the entire Pomodoro twenty five minutes.

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