Benefits of Drinking Coffee
Many people are used to starting the day with a cup of coffee. The caffeine contained in coffee is a good stimulant, gives energy and refreshment to the body. But due to dieting, some people have said goodbye to drinking coffee. But a cup of coffee can provide you many benefits to your body with many important nutrients. Coffee contains powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
It was used in the 16th century in the Middle East as medicine to increase concentration. Drinking black coffee makes your mind focused and boosts your energy. Research shows many health benefits of drinking coffee, but the question is, is coffee good for you in the morning. Or does drinking coffee on an empty stomach have side effects.

One study reveals that the people who drink black coffee in the morning are more active than the others. Some people are so habitual of drinking coffee that they are not able to work until they take a cup of it. If you are one of them then there is some good news for you, because there are a number of benefits of drinking coffee especially in the morning.
Fat burner
Do you worry about obesity and thinking about starting dieting? If yes then don’t skip coffee in the morning. Coffee is one of the few natural supplements proven to aid fat burning. Research shows that caffeine taken in the morning can boost up your metabolism by as much as 11%.
Not only metabolism, but it also increases alertness and concentration. Studies have shown that men who take a cup of coffee an hour before cycling completed their workout 5% faster.

Prevent kidney stones
Adding black coffee to your diet is also helpful if you suffer from kidney stones and if you don’t then it’ll simply prevent the buildup of stones. The Harvard study conducted and concluded many health benefits of black coffee. It reveals that there are 26% fewer chances of developing kidney stones in people who drink coffee in the morning. That’s because caffeine increases urination, which researchers believe expels an excess amount of calcium and sodium which are the main culprits causing kidney stones.
Protect the brain
Alzheimer’s and dementia are those diseases that currently have no known cure. So it’s better to prevent such diseases and coffee could play an essential role in doing so. You can estimate the importance of drinking coffee by the fact that the development of Alzheimer’s disease decreases by 65 % if you drink coffee every day.
The Japanese study also reveals the health benefits of drinking coffee which shows that people who drink just one cup of coffee per day are 20 % less likely to suffer from a stroke. So, either you drink coffee because you can’t move in the morning without having a cup of it or simply because of the health benefits it has taking a cup once a day is definitely going to be worth it.

Lower your risk of diabetes
Drinking caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee can help you manage type 2 diabetes. Adults with type 2 diabetes come with a range of associated health risks including heart disease, nerve and kidney damage, eye problems and even Alzheimer’s disease. Not only diabetes but coffee also helps prevent all of these complications associated with it.
Another study reveals that coffee contains chlorogenic acid that reduces blood sugar concentration and lowers the risk of developing diabetes by seven percent. So if you are suffering from diabetes a single cup of coffee will prevent complications associated with it. As well as you don’t have diabetes, then the coffee will protect you from developing diabetes in the first place.
Replenish your vitamin stores.
Good old coffee is one of the best sources of antioxidants in western diet. A single cup of coffee contains vitamin B2, B3 and B5.Vitamin B2 helps to prevent heart disease in cancer. B3 helps to improve blood cholesterol levels and B5 helps to stabilize blood sugar levels. Coffee also contains manganese and potassium, both of which are very important nutrients. But researchers have concluded that drinking coffee on an empty stomach may damage your stomach and cause indigestion and heartburn. So it’s better to drink coffee in the mid-morning or early afternoon after breakfast or a meal.

Protect against cancer
Coffee contains vitamin B2 which helps lower the risk of developing colorectal cancer by 15%. Researchers from the National cancer institute in the US suggest that people drinking coffee in the morning are 20% less likely to suffer from melanoma, a type of very aggressive cancer often diagnosed at terminal stages. Another study also reveals that people who drink four cups of coffee per day are 38% less likely to develop liver cancer.
Good for skin
Vitamins present in coffee helps to regulate blood flow to skin, reducing not only acne but stretch marks too. Rich antioxidants present in black coffee kill dead cells and remove impurities making skin smoother, brighter and reduce the premature aging of skin. But in pregnancy, in taking of caffeine amount should be less up to 200 milligrams, because a high amount of caffeine links to problems with the growth of the baby. Although coffee has more benefits, the negative effects of coffee tend to occur in extreme drinking. So, it’s better to avoid heavy consumption.

Helps you sexually
Also a study by the University of Texas has found that men who drank two cups a day were 42% less likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction compared to men who didn’t. Furthermore, coffee is rich in erection-friendly polyphenols, and can possibly pump up testosterone concentrations enhancing blood flow to the organs requiring it the most.
Improve the health of hair
It is not a secret that the caffeine contained in coffee is good for improving your external beauty. It gives great benefits especially to your skin and hair. Drinking one cup of coffee a day helps in hair growth. Caffeine targets the hormone dihydrotestosterone, which affects hair loss. It supports the hair to produce organic compounds that help the hair during the later stages of the active growth period.
Using conditioner will only give temporary results to your weak and lifeless looking hair. Apart from other health benefits, drinking coffee also gives good vitality to your weakened hair. One of the reasons is that drinking caffeine improves blood circulation. From that, the nutrients move to the roots of the hair and the hair becomes healthy. Develops the lustrous nature seen in a healthy hair. As well as by drinking coffee, the hair becomes stronger. The increased blood supply to the scalp prevents the weakening of the follicles and prevents hair loss, leaving you with smoother and stronger hair.
Caffeine is contained in many hair care products. It gives nourishment and perfect condition to the hair. Drinking coffee helps transport those chemicals to the follicles. Caffeine increases blood circulation, making hair grow thicker and fuller. The nature of hair is mainly determined by genetic factors.
Also, your diet can affect the quality of your hair. In addition to strengthening the hair and giving it a shiny appearance, caffeine also removes the disorderliness of your hair follicles. When the hair roots receive enough essential vitamins and nutrients regularly, the hair grows softer and stronger and the hair follicles are easier to manage.

So those are all the benefits of drinking coffee, especially in the morning. Although coffee has many health benefits too much intake can increase your risk of certain diseases like cardiovascular problems. According to the dietary guidelines for Americans it’s safe to drink three to five cups of coffee a day with a maximum intake of 400 mg of caffeine.
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